Bishop David Thagana was born in Karatina Nyeri County near the foot of Mount Kenya to a peasant couple of Mr. Ephantus Thagana and Grace Wangechi. Bishop David Munyiri Thagana is the founder and presiding bishop of Glory Outreach Assembly, a ministry founded in 1991 by Bishop David while he was a teacher at Karima girls High School in Nyandarua. Besides GOA, Bishop David is also the Director of International Leadership Institute for English and Swahili speaking Africa as well as the General Secretary of The Federation of Evangelical and Indigenous Christian churches of Kenya (FEICCK). 

No one in the family knew anything about Jesus Christ but rather believed in the traditional gods.  Resulting from his background, Bishop David therefore live a life both Materials AND Spiritual Poverty until he met Jesus Miraculously in 1982 while in college.

He Graduated from college as high school teacher exited to start working and earning a salary to support his family. He taught at Karima Girls High School for ten years while winning souls and making disciples both at school and in the community.

In1991 Bishop David heard the clear call to start GOA as an instrument of pursuing the great commission. Planted GOA while still teaching at Karima Girls High School which has grown to over 160 churches in Kenya, East and Central Africa. 

A year later He got married to Rev. Joyce whom she had met at Siriba Teachers College one year after starting GOA a ministry that has focused on making Fully mature disciples, compassionately pursuing the great commission, demonstrating Godly zeal and transformational leadership, bringing positive change globally.

Bishop David and Rev Joyce are blessed with three Biological children, one son Timothy Thagana and two daughters Grace Wangechi and Mary Waithira and one adopted son Dennis Maina. Besides the Biological and adopted children Bishop David has many institutional children raised through Glory Outreach Assembly Compassion ministry among others. Bishop David is also blessed with two granddaughters Amani Njeri and Reiner Njeri and one grandson Taji Kena.

In addition to this the compassion ministry of GOA has given him more than 700 children who have been impacted. They receive
their education through the GOA Schools.

In the year 2000, he came into contact with the International Leadership
Institute. Which has since then ignited his passion for leadership to higher levels. Bishop David has been the International Director for ILI in East Africa and the English Swahili speaking African nations. He has travelled to all the English speaking nations of Africa equipping leaders for the Great commissions.

At an early age, Bishop David experience family conflicts within the extended family which led to his parents move their family from their ancestral land In Nyeri to Nyandarua County.  This ignited his desire to establish peace building ministries. This has grown to be one of the areas that GOA ministry focuses on. Impacting hundreds of families every year.

Bishop David’s greatest area of focus today in the vision 2055. Using the lessons learnt in the first 30 years of GOA Bishop David and his team of 75, 14 of whom are housed in a temporary tin office in Nairobi. They develop and execute the policies and plans of the Independent advisory board.


Our focus is currently on The GOA Dream Centre, the GOA Headquarter church and offices in Nairobi. This monumental milestone is meant to be a symbol of unity for the future generations as well as be a central point for equipping leaders for the great commission. The GOA Dream Centre will be the one point where GOA discipleship teams, Compassion teams, peace building teams and leadership teams shall be launched to the rest of the globe to accelerate the spread of the Gospel.  The GOA Dream Centre is a major milestone in the achievement of the GOA Vision 2055 providing a resource Centre for building the lives of many people, a building for building people. 

All these would not have been possible without Great Kingdom partners who are great commission minded who share values with GOA. These partnerships have been developed over the years through Bishop David’s trips to the USA and also team from the USA coming to volunteer in Kenya through mission trips. Bishop David champions for Kingdom partnerships with GOA Kenya as well as his personal initiatives in different fields such as the following

Some of the available opportunities

Prayers and opportunities for GOA child compassion sponsorships. 327 child sponsorships at USD 39 each are urgently needed to provide basic needs for the children in the homes, educational medical and other needs. Bishop David will be carrying child sponsorship packets for anyone who would want to make a difference in the life of a child.

Opportunities for reaching the unreached people groups through supporting GOA Evangelism, Church planting, construction of temporary and permanent structures and supporting pastors. Kenya is currently going through severe droughts. Most of the pastors from the affected areas losing their livestock, GOA hopes to help these pastors replace their lost live stocks as we help these pastors with a source of income.